Ramsbottom festival Head For The Hills to be broadcast online this December

A day of gigs, DJ sets and inspiration from the hills on United We Stream to brighten up a dark December weekend

Tier 3 might mean we can’t get together for gigs just yet.

But the team behind Head For The Hills is bringing a free day of gigs, DJ sets and inspiration from the hills to brighten up a dark December weekend.

This winter, the festival will be hitting your screens for a one-off special on Saturday 5th December, thanks to United We Stream.

The day-long special will broadcast live with sets pre-recorded at sites in Ramsbottom, including the festival’s picturesque base at Ramsbottom Cricket Ground, and from organisers The Met in Bury.

There will be live festival sets from Greater Manchester artists including I Am Kloot’s John Bramwell and Jesca Hoop alongside Liverpool art-pop trio Stealing Sheep.

International acts who have previously found plenty of new fans in the Ramsbottom hills will also be beaming in special performances, with The Once coming from Canada, Giant Rooks from Germany, and Elephant Sessions from Scotland.

More performers will be announced over the next week, as well as details of DJ sets that will keep you dancing until long after the headliners have usually finished.

“I’m really pleased that we will be showcasing the best of Head For The Hills on United We Stream Greater Manchester,” said Sacha Lord, Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester.

“This is a great boutique festival, one of the best in the North, rich in local talent and creativity, and it’s right here on our doorstep in Ramsbottom.

“The Met in Bury has been United We Stream’s home since we began the project at the start of April, so creating a virtual Head For The Hills in conjunction with the team there is a perfect way to celebrate the collaborations and creativity that have endured during this year.

“The restrictions for mass gatherings won’t continue forever and I’m very confident that festivals will be taking place in 2021, but for now this is the next best way to enjoy a day’ of fantastic regional music and culture.”

Poet Tony Walsh has become a regular act and great supporter of the festival, and will be hosting and performing at this online version.

There’ll also be spoken word from Dublin’s Stephen James Smith, performing live from Ireland.

“We feel hugely excited to be able to bring together some of our audience’s most loved acts and discoveries since we started the festival in 2011,” said David Agnew, artistic director of Head For The Hills and The Met.

“This chance to share a taste of Head For The Hills via the brilliant platform of United We Stream will give thousands of people a flavour of what we hope will return to festival sites across the country next summer.”

The festival will be available to watch online for free on 5th December at unitedwestream.co.uk and headforthehills.org.uk, as well as via facebook.com/head4hillsfest.


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