Contact us

You can find the HQ of I Love MCR in the heart of Manchester city centre. We’re amongst the brave independent companies that collectively make Manchester so special and in turn, give our city a bright economic future. Our heart’s in the right place.

Post us

I Love MCR, 6th Floor, Arrive, White Tower, Media City, Salford, Manchester M50 2NT

Office hours

9am – 5pm Monday-Friday

Closed Saturday-Sunday

Give us a bell

0161 870 7027

For advertising sales please press 1
For press enquiries press 2
And for anything else including shop orders please press 3

Drop us a line

General enquiries:
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Shop orders/enquiries:
[email protected]

Awards enquiries:
[email protected]

Got a story?

While we can’t guarantee to publish everything, we will always consider any enquiry or idea that promotes:

For anything else, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us about an advertorial (from £350+VAT) and advertising opportunities: [email protected]