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Change can be a good thing, anyone got any spare?

Changing faces and leases up for grabs...

Barca in Castlefield has changed hands again – this time to the owners of The Mitre Hotel in the city centre. A refurb is currently underway.

Staying on the Catalonian theme, Barcelona in the Northern Quarters has changed its name to Arts NQ Café Bar, and is also up for sale. The remainder of the ten year lease from 2008 is up for grabs, if you’ve got a spare £135,000. And if you have, can I borrow some?

Punch Taverns is looking for a new leaseholder at Paddy’s Goose on Bloom Street. It’s been a Village landmark since way back when. I accidentally wandered in there off a coach from Chorlton Street Bus Station as a younger, more sheltered man. One of those experiences I like to file under ‘life education.’

Ross, the owner of Black Dog Ballroom, has bought out Thomas Restaurant. It’s going to be called Cane & Grain and the concept is Rum, ribs, bourbon and beer. Focus will be food and drink downstairs and a cocktail bar upstairs.

And as you may have caught on site, Hunters BBQ in the Northern Quarter wants to open until 4am.


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