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Full body MOT’s from Randox Health offer an amazing new way to keep on top of your health forever

For many, getting a full health check up can be a scary thing.

Faced with time pressures across our work and social lives, it can become all too easy to let our health slide.

That’s where Randox Health comes in.

With a series of simple tests  Randox Health give you real-time insights on your current health and future health risks, providing data that can help you mitigate any future potential risks and make positive lifestyle changes.

The data can allow you to get to grips with your  hormonal, heart, kidney, liver, thyroid, digestive and nutritional health.

They say that by doing this, and “understanding your health baseline” and what is your ‘normal’, it can help you to keep on track of your health data and monitor any changes and complications that could arise.

Randox offer a personalised health plan and breakdown of test results using an easy to understand traffic light system: green, amber and red.

You can check out some of their services by clicking here.

There is an optional scientific discussion available following the results of your test, and with this Everyman and Everywoman test you will also have a repeat test in six months to see if everything is on track.

Hannah, who works for I Love Manchester has made some lifestyle changes over the past 18 months, so she was keen to check up on whether these changes have had a positive impact on her health.

She headed down to their clinic on Peel Avenue in Stretford to try things out.

She said the process was amazingly ‘clear and straightforward’ with great communication with staff who talked her through what would be required before the check up.

She said: “Pre-appointment they sent me an information pack explaining all the procedures and what would happen at the clinic.

“There were a few conditions I had to follow before I went, like fasting for six hours before the appointment and avoiding vigorous exercise for 48 hours too.

“I completed a small medical questionnaire then they signed me up to a Randox Health Account, which contained my medical profile. They also have an app too.

“It was a bit like having a full body MOT”

She explained that members of her family had previously had issues with type two diabetes and high cholesterol, which was another reason why she was keen to have the everywoman test.

“I explained the situation to Aimee at the clinic, and she instantly put me at ease with loads of information and resources.

“Aimee spoke to me about the testing processes with the blood tests and being weighed, and giving a urine sample.”

“BCA (body composition analysis) is part of the examination, which takes body muscle percentages, body fat percentages too.

All of Hannah’s results from the testing were delivered to her secure App and in a booklet with key findings.  It takes 2-4 working days.

She continued: “What’s great now is that I Can show this booklet to my GP and any issues or concerns they can see straight away what’s going on.

“We all know your GP is unable to give you test for every little concern but the great thing about these tests with Randox is, if you’ve got the money to spare, you can privately get on top of your health then take the results to your GP or speak with one of their GPs and they can help you.

“Aimee was a legend, she put me completely as ease. The space is very calm and soothing too, which was nice because I was feeling a bit anxious heading in.

“I recommend it to anybody who is curious about their health.”

We spoke to Randox Clinic Manager George Fleming PHD, who explained why people should look to get ahead of potential health issues.

He said: “We’re looking at a completely different approach to healthcare here. Usually, people get symptoms and then go to the doctors, that’s the traditional way.

“Here we are looking at something brand new. We have the infrastructure here to allow for a proactive approach, even with no symptoms, people can take ownership of their health and take steps to live a healthy and happy life. You can visit us before any problems arise and we can react to mitigate anything we find.

“It’s about finding potential problems before they arise. It’s taking control of your health and life, to address any anxieties you may have about it.”

Randox have several different types of test:

Everyman Everywoman: The popular Everyman | Everywoman full body health check includes two health checks 6 months apart to help you track and improve your health data. Up to 150 data points are measured during each visit, linked to key health areas such as heart, liver, kidney, thyroid, hormones, nutrition, and iron status.

Signature: The elite Signature package has been curated to deliver real-time insights on your current health and future health risks. 350 data points are measured relating to health areas including tumour markers, digestive health, and genetic testing to assess potential health risks.

Everymother: Everymother has been designed to keep expectant mothers informed about their own health prenatal and postpartum. Two full body health checks measuring 150 data points, and a specific nutritional health check during the third trimester are included.

Everyathlete: A health tests designed for maximum performance. Key health insights on up to 80 data points linked to nutrition, muscle, hormone, and body composition are measured to help optimise your training and nutrition.

Randox’s Manchester clinic is having an open evening on the 28th February for the public, If you’d like to visit you can get a ticket to this event below.


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