Top 10 Excuses For People Not Cycling

Why aren't you cycling?

If we told you there’s a machine which can help you lose weight, keep fit and save you money, you’d be interested, right? Well, there is…

Spring is here and the nice weather’s coming. We all want to shed a few pounds and look our best. And we could all do with a few extra bob in our pockets. So why aren’t you cycling?

1. Cyclists are arrogant

Cyclists are a bunch of arrogant tossers who ride on the pavement and go through red lights and think they own the road,

Some do. Most don’t. Some motorists are no angels either.

2. I haven’t got a bike

Then get one.

3. I can’t afford a bike

Yes you can. You can get a decent bike for less than £300. Work out how much you spend on fuel, tax, MOTs, insurance, car parking not to mention repairs and you won’t have much change from £5,000 a year. That’s nearly £100 a week. If you don’t have a car but use public transport, work out how much that costs you.

4. It’s dangerous

I don’t feel safe cycling in traffic.

Then don’t. If you don’t feel confident cycling in traffic, go cycling when the roads are quiet. Sunday mornings are a good time. You’ll see lots of other cyclists on the road and not many cars. If you want to stay off the roads completely, there are loads of traffic -free places to cycle such as parks or the city’s many traffic-free cycle paths. Once you’ve built up your confidence have a go at cycling on the road.

5. It’s too slow

I need to get to work.

Manchester’s roads are some of the most congested in the country and although the transport authorities are doing their best to improve things, the fact is there are way too many cars on the road. If you are driving to work on a congested road you could find that you could get to work quicker by bike.

6. It’s not cool

Are you sure? A recent survey conducted by the British Heart Foundation found that people think cyclists have a unique blend of intelligence, generosity and the cool factor. Nearly a quarter of us (23%) would choose to go on a date with a cyclist over a selection of other sportspeople

7. I look terrible in Lycra

Most people do. Unless their name is Wiggins, Froome or Cavendish. Don’t wear it

8. I’m not fit enough

You don’t have to be. Just start at a gentle pace. It will get easier and you’ll get fitter.

9. I don’t want to get hot and sweaty

There’s nothing wrong with hot and sweaty. It just depends on where you are. Wear the right clothes and cycle at a leisurely pace.

10. Too many bikes get stolen

It’s not secure to leave a bike especially in the city centre. Too many bikes get stolen even when they’re locked.

Get a decent lock or leave your bike at the Cycling Hub in City Tower (Piccadilly) or Pop-up Bikes (under the railway arches near the new Co-op building).

The only excuse we haven’t got an answer for is “I don’t want to mess my hair up.” Unfortunately, there’s still no cure for helmet hair. But if you weigh up the pros and cons, messy hair is a small price to pay for the benefits of riding a bike. And with all the money you save by cycling, you can afford to get your hair done more often.


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