This winter, as the cost-of-living crisis tightens its grip, many families in Manchester are struggling to afford the basics—let alone nutritious, culturally appropriate food.
The soaring price of everyday essentials has left parents skipping meals, children going to bed hungry, and vulnerable communities facing impossible choices.
In the face of this stark reality, the Our Manchester Food Partnership (OMFP) has stepped up to ensure no one in our city is left behind.
With the help of over 100 partner organisations, OMFP is delivering hope and nourishment to thousands of families, proving that community action can be a powerful force for change.
Our Manchester Food Partnership
To date, a staggering 7,700 food vouchers have been distributed, allowing people to access their weekly shop via The Bread and Butter Thing. Through this voucher scheme residents can get their weekly shop, worth more than £30, for just £8.50, with the first shop for free.
Additionally, steps have been made to ensure that different cultural groups in Manchester also have access to food. Established through the Manchester Black and Minority Ethnic Network, The Rafiki Food Network has been engaging with communities throughout the city ensuring that a culturally appropriate food offer can be accessed.
The Rafiki Food Network
What makes Rafiki unique is that they recognise that when residents and communities are hit by rising inflation and the cost-of-living crisis it not only affects people financially, it also impacts a way of life.
The cost-of-living crisis has made access to culturally appropriate food more difficult as the price of some essential cultural foods has risen significantly.
In addition, this winter, additional funding has also been made available to help organisations access stock through key partnerships with Fareshare and Feeding Britain, and, paying for white goods, professional memberships, training and infrastructure items.
The OMFP initiative is just one of the ways Manchester City Council is working to support people who may be struggling this winter.
The Council recently announced the additional help which is on offer for pensioners, people in receipt of benefits or Council Tax credit. An additional £200,000 has been made available for the voluntary sector as well as £190,000 for the Holiday Activity Fund which provides activities and free meals for children during the school holidays.
Councillor Joanna Midgley, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Counci
Councillor Joanna Midgley, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council said: “The increase in the price of food is just one of the ways in which the cost-of-living crisis has made the lives of ordinary people that much harder.
“Through the OMFP we hope to make a tangible and important impact on people’s lives, ensuring that they can access cheap and nutritious food throughout the winter months.
“This is an ongoing project and if people are able to help either by donating food or volunteering their time it could make a lasting impact to our communities.”
Atiha Chaudry, Founder of the Rafiki Food Network and Director of The Manchester BME Network said: “The Rafiki Food Network was set up by the Manchester BME Network alongside Fareshare, as well as more than 30 ethnic community groups who help relieve food poverty.
“Focusing on providing culturally and appropriate food, not usually available through the usual food support systems and, due to the cost-of-living crisis the cost of some culturally appropriate foods and ingredients has risen, in some cases three times higher than usual.
“The work we do is vital in supporting communities and families who depend on us to help them through this incredibly difficult period.”
More info on Our Manchester Food Partnership
To find out more about Our Manchester Food Partnership you can visit their website here