“Twenty years from now, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do,” Mark Twain once mused. “So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
In other words, YOLO. You only live once. Unless you believe in reincarnation, that is.
When most of us think of a bucket list, we’re thinking of some far off white sandy beach in Bali or taking that typical traveller picture on the salt flats of Bolivia. But we can’t all afford a flight half way across the world right off the bat.
According to a survey conducted by Travelodge, 52% of adults from Manchester have a UK bucket list and it’s most popular with adults aged 18 to 29 years old.
The survey revealed that the average UK bucket list by adults in Manchester contains 12 experiences or achievements and will take nine years to accomplish. Yep, nine years. Better get cracking.
The top five ‘must-do’ activities on the list are visiting the Giant’s Causeway, going to Wimbledon, star gazing in Northumberland, exploring the Isle of Skye and climbing Ben Nevis.
Six out of ten Mancunians claim that having a bucket list is good for their mental wellbeing, keeping them focused. And a fifth also reported that having a bucket list is good for their relationship.
So if you and your significant other are constantly arguing about bills and what to have for tea, a trip to one of these places might be just the things to set off your romance right.
Here’s the top ten. It’s a big beautiful world out there, folks. Get involved.
Visiting the Giant’s Causeway

Going to Wimbledon
Star gazing in Northumberland
Exploring the Isle of Skye
Climbing Ben Nevis
Taking a tour of Westminster Abbey
Exploring the Shetland Islands
Walking Hadrian’s Wall
Visiting Edinburgh Castle
Afternoon tea at the Ritz