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Review: Dada Masilo’s: The Sacrifice at The Lowry ‘is an experience like no other’

The show brings unique South African culture to a contemporary dance performance in a show that you can't afford to miss.

The show does feature a twenty-minute Q&A after the show and it is a great add-on!

It lets the audience understand the show and Masilo a lot better.

It starts with Masilo dancing her way onto the stage.

The musicians are situated in the corner of the stage and are very visible.

Another dancer joins her on stage and it becomes apparent that she is part of the musicians as she is singing.

She makes her way to the musicians and joins them.

She has a phenomenal voice which is hitting all the right notes.

It then changes into a group performance of joy and love, with Masilo in the centre with her company surrounding her.

The music has to be my highlight.

The music was inspired by Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring and if you’ve heard it, it makes perfect sense.

But for someone who hasn’t and is listening to it as they write this, it also makes sense.

They have creative ways of bringing South African sounds into traditional classical music. They had different forms of instruments for different sounds.

My favourite was the wind rope where the musician swung it around his head like a cowboy readying his lasso, to make wind noise.

It was a very creative way to make that sound. Another creative way of making the sound was when the company were stomping their feet and using that as music.

They also chanted the names, (which we found out later)of all the company and creative directors to acknowledge them before they went into the main performance.

The Q&A is a great feature.

It gives the element of individuality as every show would have different questions, but also gives the audience a chance to ask anything that maybe they did not understand.
One question was, “Do the hand movements have any symbolic meaning behind them?”

Masilo answered, “We have this one movement where it looks like we’re washing our hands.

I wanted to put that in because in Botswana we always wash our hands. Before rituals and after.”

It helped all of us get a better insight into the whole process and get to know Dada Masilo better.

Dada Masilo’s: The Sacrifice is a journey of joy and sadness that unfortunately is not around for long enough.

If you’re quick you can get tickets for tonight by clicking here. 


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