Hooch pong is coming to this retro games bar – and you can win your height in cans
The first prize will be the two winners’ combined height in Hooch cans, plus a free booking of Hooch pong for a later date
The first prize will be the two winners’ combined height in Hooch cans, plus a free booking of Hooch pong for a later date
Unique features include gold banquette seating, an Instagram swing, a hidden basement gaming area – and a £10k toilet
Bingo Balls features two giant sized ball pits, with events including including bingo nights, drag brunches and burlesque shows
A new addition is the ultra-VIP ‘Best Seat in the House’ area, which is destined to be the hottest seat in Wilmslow, say owners
‘The relaxed atmosphere in Municipal is what will set us apart from other city bars’ says owner David
The walls are donned with video cassettes at Blockbusters NQ – but it’s not so much a streaming service as a ‘get you steaming’ service
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