Things had never gone smoothly for Lättsam, Manchester’s all day Nordic-inspired Kitchen, Café and Bar in Spring Gardens. It was designed pre-pandemic and built during lockdown and opened in 2020 on the corner of Fountain Street and Charlotte Street as a central hub for local office workers to hang out and grab a coffee and a beer.
All were welcome to relax within its sleek yellow tiled interior – you could even bring your dog. But luck was never on its side. As more people began to work from home, there just wasn’t the footfall that they’d anticipated, and they hadn’t had chance to establish the loyal customer base enjoyed by the likes of nearby Moose Coffee.

The drink offering was much admired by beer aficionados – Lättsam featured one of the only Mikkeller taps outside of London. But then that’s no surprise as it was owned by Beatnikz Brewery founder Paul Greetham. Although he has a successful tap room and a bar on Dale Street, Paul’s idea was to create a separate bar brand celebrating some of the beers he loved.

Although their Swedish meatballs in a mug were a popular beer friendly snack, and they did well with brunches and pastries, the kitchen never really got going. They had a space fully kitted out for the right kitchen team, but chefs were in short supply across the board.
Then, back in April 2022, Paul suddenly decided to close Beatnikz and leave the brewing industry all together. He upped sticks and moved with his family to the Netherlands to start a whole new career in IT, leaving his businesses to investors.

Lättsam struggled on, but without a consistent food offering, and with many people still choosing to work from home, it never managed to get a grip on the city.
After a valiant go, despite the odds being against them, the Lättsam team have reluctantly admitted defeat.
A statement posted across its social media channels over the weekend said: