A born and bred Mancunian, she went to school in Cheadle Hulme and has lived in the city all her life.
She is the founder of Beaumont Organic, an ethical and sustainable fashion shop at 49 Hilton St, which has gone from strength to strength since it opened in 2008.
Hannah’s voyage into the world of sustainable fashion was not merely a business venture; it was a response to an industry whose practices had left her feeling uncomfortable.
With an insider’s understanding of the fashion world and an acute discomfort with prevailing ethical standards, she set out to challenge the norms and pave a new path.
The result was Beaumont Organic – more than just a shop, it was a sanctuary for a fashion ethos that champions authenticity, ethics, and sustainability.
What sets Hannah apart is her unwavering commitment to “doing things the right way.”
With a keen eye for design and a resolute stance on ethical production, she created a haven where fashion isn’t just an ensemble of fabrics, but a story woven with threads of ethical consciousness.
The brand has evolved, now selling in 12 countries with a database of over 65,000 people.
Recently projects have included everything from annual collections to collaborations with stores, partnerships with some bigger stores around Europe creating special collections and ranges.
Hannah Beaumont-Laurencia, owner of Beaumont Organic

What got you started in your field of work?
I’ve always been interested in fashion and clothes and dressing up, so I think it was a natural progression.
I’ve always enjoyed making things and being creative, so this got me started, coupled with my love of the environment too! It all sort of comes hand in hand, with fashion and sustainability.
I had a love of fashion from an early age and, by my early teens, had also developed an entrepreneurial flair by making handbags for a local boutique.
As my confidence as a seamstress grew, I went on to create many outfits and designed and produced a very special creation for my 21st birthday party.
Fashion is a way for me to release my creativity freely.
My choices may not always appeal to the masses but that’s what style is all about–creating your own unique identity that is recognisable.
For me, clothes need to look effortless and, most importantly, make you feel good wearing them.
Fashion can be all-consuming and it is easy to crave the latest must-have pieces, with just a short-term return. But if you only buy quality items to enhance your wardrobe, beautiful clothes will surround you for years to come
Who have been your biggest influences?
I am influenced by my grandma, she was a style icon! Her clothing seemed to last forever too.
Also, people like Eileen Fischer and Margaret Howell have been big influences along the way, very timeless with great quality clothing which has been a huge inspiration for me that brands can have amazing longevity and timeless clothing.
What is your proudest achievement so far?
It’s so hard to pick! It’s all a bit of a blur but I’m proud of the longevity of the business so far.
The team is amazing, they work so hard and are brilliant.
Outside of work, it has to be my family, my loving husband and my dog, Lola, I feel very lucky to have them.
We’ve renovated a house in a very conscious way too, which has been fun.
What does a typical day involve?
Pretty busy! I wake up nice and early, I need 30 minutes to an hour to myself to be mindful and focus on the day.
I like to practice yoga, meditation, and journaling too.
They are really important times for me. I need to switch off before I go to the office. I usually cycle to the office, went carless a few years ago- I love cycling!
It’s great because you disconnect completely from your phone.
Then it’s to the office, phone calls, emails, the usual buzz. Some weeks this also might involve a trade show, or to see the factories in Portugal, we’re usually pretty busy! But who isn’t?
How do you relax on your days off?
I love crafting, so I like knitting, reading, and anything that takes me away from touching my phone.
Walking with Lola, being out with family and friends, just your typical stuff.
Just trying to zone out, at the weekend I spent a lot of time practicing mindfulness with yoga, and just trying to unwind really!
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
I grew up with severe dyslexia, so I have to go back to the advice Mum gave me. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again!
I think as any entrepreneur will know, every day is a roller coaster, so you need some wise words to keep you going. These have always worked for me.
If things hadn’t worked out, what else could you have seen yourself doing?
It has to be something to do with interiors and renovating, making old things beautiful again.
I love renovating old things, that’s my huge passion. Things with longevity we get attached to. I find working with my hands relaxing, stuff like making pottery.
Tell us one thing about yourself people might be surprised to hear.
People are always surprised to hear I eat fish and meat, everyone just assumed I’d be vegan and healthy.
I also eat dairy too and also love to drink wine.
Red or Blue?
Has to be red. I grew up in a very red family and went to Old Trafford most weekends.
If you could change one thing about Manchester, what would it be?
The rain! I find it quite hard in the summer to wake up to grey days every day.
What do you love most about Manchester?
I love how friendly and lovely all the people are, it makes it an absolute pleasure to live here.
People usually smiling, supportive and happy to help. It’s a big city with a village feel and an amazing place to live.
You can find Beaumont Organic at 49 Hilton St, Manchester M1 2EF