Sugarstone are a hard-working four-piece band from Manchester, and their sounds conjure up so many visual images.
When you listen to their back catalogue, you are taken on journey through rain-soaked Manchester with Blade Runner neo-noir style lighting.
One track later and you just can’t get enough of those Depeche Mode-style beats meets Nine Inch Nails.
They are getting ready to perform at the Deaf Institute, so we caught up with George, Joe, Brandon and Ben to find out more about them, their influences and their new live shows.

How would you describe your sound and music?
Melodic Industrial Synth Punk…we think?
What are your Desert Island albums?
I hope we’re all on the island together. I’m going to insist that we are. Here’s one per member. Ask us tomorrow and these will have changed. ha!
George: Grace – Jeff Buckley
Joe: Pretty Hate Machine – Nine Inch Nails
Brandon: Dr. Boondigga & The Big BW
Ben: Mister Asylum – Highly Suspect
Plus an honourable mention for Abbey Road by the Beatles because it’s Abbey Road.
What bands have influenced you?
Our influences are always up for debate.
Joe and I had guitar lessons together every week from the age of 12. Guns n Roses still features quite heavily in our pre-practise guitar ‘noodlings’.
I’d say right now we’re really into De Staat, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode & Duran Duran.
The list, however, is endless. I (George) am loving Elbow at the moment.
Mr Garvey has a real way with words doesn’t he?
Why do you think the Manchester music scene is so vibrant?
The Manchester music scene played a huge part in the decision for us to move here from Preston.
It really feels like you can get somewhere with your art here. It’s exciting. So many amazing venues and bands. Build it and they will come. Manchester is a great place to do that.
What do you love about the city?
The people, The Music, The weather and The Eagle Inn (even though it’s in Salford).
Who makes all the key decisions in the band, or is it a group effort?
Everything is a discussion.
From the music to the colour of the T-shirts. We’re doing all this ourselves at the moment, which means we decide everything between the four of us. Joe takes up a lot of the writing duties.
There’s no competition, it’s always what’s best for the band. We’re honestly (and somewhat insufferably) the best of friends, so it’s always a group decision.
What can people expect from the gig?
We’re stepping up the production value for these upcoming shows. Lights, in ears, the works. It’s still the same show it’s always been, just a little more polished…hopefully.
What are you all looking forward to the most about performing on tour?
We’re really excited to play this set to people. We were talking about the setlist the other day and realised it’s at least 3 years in the making.
It’s really nice to be playing a whole set of stuff we’re really proud of and that represents us four. It’s going to be a hoot!
Sugarstone are at the Deaf Institute on Friday 11th October and you can book tickets here
Sugarstone are also performing at the Victoria in Birmingham on Friday 18th October. Find out more about that here