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The fearless teacher who conquered five Mongolian marathons and five Guatemalan mountains for charity

Steve Hill MBE completes gruelling summer of Challenges in Mongolia and Guatemala, Raising Over £9,200 for Charity
Steve Hill

After an unforgettable summer of extraordinary challenges, Steve Hill MBE, a primary school teacher from Oldham, is back in the classroom, eager to share his adventures with his students at St Joseph’s RC Primary School in Shaw.

Steve’s journey took him from the scorching Gobi Desert in Mongolia to the volcanic mountains of Guatemala, where he pushed his physical and mental limits to raise over £9,200 for the Team Hill Charitable Trust.

His summer of endurance left him exhausted but inspired, as he now reflects on the incredible experiences that tested him like never before.

Five marathons across Mongolia

Steve’s summer began with one of his toughest challenges yet: running five marathons in five days across Mongolia, with the Gobi Desert forming part of the route.

The conditions were brutal from the start.

“It was relentless—three steps forward, two steps back,” Steve recalled, describing the difficulty of running through sand dunes in temperatures soaring above 40°C.

“The combination of heat, rough terrain, and isolation pushed Steve to his limits, but the Mongolian landscape also left a profound impression on him.

Despite the punishing conditions, the beauty of Mongolia’s vast steppes offered moments of awe and reflection.

“Running alongside wild Mongolian horses and seeing eagles soaring overhead was unforgettable,” he said.

Steve Hill
Steve running in the desert

Every day presented a new challenge, but also a new view of Mongolia’s natural splendour. From the expansive grasslands to the rugged desert, the scenery offered some respite from the physical exhaustion of running multiple marathons.

Steve also had the opportunity to immerse himself in Mongolian culture.

Sleeping in traditional yurts and spending time with nomadic families were highlights of his trip.

“The people were incredibly welcoming,” Steve shared. One unique experience he recalls was being offered horse milk—a traditional Mongolian drink.

“It tasted bitter and sour, a bit like apple cider. Definitely an acquired taste!” he laughed.

Running alongside an international group of athletes added to the experience, creating a sense of camaraderie despite the harsh conditions.

“It was a special journey,” Steve said. “We were all there to push our limits and support each other. It was a great way to see the country while testing our endurance.”

From Mongolia to Guatemala: tackling the “Ring of Fire”

Steve Hill scaling mountains in Guatemala

Steve barely had time to recover from the gruelling marathons before setting off for his next challenge—climbing five volcanoes in Guatemala, including the highest peak in Central America.

After a brief return home to regroup, Steve embarked on a long journey to Central America, where he would tackle the “Ring of Fire” challenge.

This series of climbs would push him to new heights, both literally and figuratively.

“Guatemala was magical,” Steve said, reflecting on the stark contrast between his two summer challenges.

Before the climbing began, he had the chance to explore some of Guatemala’s rich cultural history, including the ancient Mayan ruins in Tikal and the picturesque colonial town of Antigua.

These experiences provided a welcome break before the physically demanding task of scaling five of Central America’s highest volcanic peaks.

Climbing mountains was how Steve first began his adventure career, and this challenge reminded him just how tough it could be.

Steve saw several incredible volcanic eruptions

“The high altitudes, tough terrain, and early morning starts made it challenging, especially right after the marathons in Mongolia,” he admitted.

Each mountain presented a unique set of challenges, from steep ascents to unpredictable weather.

But for Steve, the rewards were well worth the effort. “Standing at the summit at sunrise, above the clouds, with volcanoes erupting in the distance—it was a truly special moment,” he recalled.

The combination of physical exhaustion and breathtaking scenery left Steve in awe.

“It’s still sinking in,” he said. “The people I met, the things I saw—it was all incredibly rewarding.

“The views from the top of those volcanoes were unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

The challenge required Steve to climb thousands of meters to reach the summits, often carrying gear and camping overnight on the mountains.

“The toughest parts were the lack of sleep, the difficult terrain, and the altitude,” Steve shared.

Despite these hardships, he remained focused on his goal: raising money for charity and inspiring others to believe in themselves and push beyond their comfort zones.

When asked to compare the two challenges, Steve found it difficult to choose which was tougher.

“It’s hard to say,” he admits. “But the mountains just edged it—climbing at altitude with little rest after those marathons was a real test of endurance.”

Inspiring Others and Raising Funds

Steve Hill
On top of the world!

For Steve, these extreme challenges are about more than just pushing his own boundaries—they’re also about making a positive impact on the world around him.

Through his efforts, Steve has already raised over £9,200 for the Team Hill Charitable Trust, an organisation he founded to support a variety of causes.

Steve Hill MBE
Steve in Uganda

he funds will be used to help schools and clinics in Uganda, as well as individuals and families in Greater Manchester who need medical equipment and other forms of support.

“Times are tough for a lot of people, but the generosity I’ve seen has been overwhelming,” Steve said.

“Every donation, no matter the amount, helps us make a difference in someone’s life. I’m incredibly thankful for all the support.”

But beyond the financial impact, Steve’s adventures serve another important purpose: inspiring the children he teaches.

As the deputy head at St Joseph’s RC Primary School, Steve is passionate about showing his students that anything is possible with hard work and determination.

“I hope that taking on these challenges this summer will help show my pupils that when you believe in yourself, work hard, and don’t give up when things get tough, anything is possible,” he said.

Steve is excited to share his summer adventures with the children as the new school year begins.

“I can’t wait to tell them about running through the Gobi Desert and climbing volcanoes in Guatemala. I want them to know that they can achieve great things if they set their minds to it.”

Looking Ahead: What’s Next for Steve Hill MBE?

After 32 days of intense travel, physical challenges, and incredible experiences, Steve is back in the classroom, but that doesn’t mean he’s done with adventure.

Despite the physical toll of his summer exploits, Steve is already thinking about what comes next. “The exhaustion fades, but the memories last forever,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to whatever comes next.”

The World’s Explorers Collective’s Top Explorer List

Mark Conlon

Steve’s efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. His dedication to pushing boundaries and inspiring others has earned him a place on the World Explorers Collective’s Top Explorer List, recognising him as one of the 10 most inspiring explorers of 2024. “I’m still in awe,” Steve says. “Being recognised like this is surreal. I’m just a primary school teacher from Oldham, but it shows that if you push yourself and follow your dreams, amazing things can happen.”

As he reflects on this summer’s challenges, Steve feels proud of what he has accomplished and grateful for the support he has received along the way. “This summer was tough but magical, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

For now, though, Steve is content to be back in the classroom, sharing his stories with his students and encouraging them to embrace life’s adventures. “The seed of adventure is planted among these young children,” Steve says proudly. “If I can inspire them to believe in themselves, then I feel my mission is accomplished.”

Steve Hill was the winner of I Love Manchester’s “Most Loved Community Leader” at their inaugural awards last year.

With his incredible summer behind him, Steve continues to inspire others, both in and out of the classroom, proving that the only limits we face are the ones we set for ourselves.

You can donate to the Steve Hill Charity Foundation by clicking here


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