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Hundreds object to plans to redevelop Salford’s Regent Retail Park

Hundreds oppose plans to demolish Salford's Regent Retail Park, citing job losses and community impact.
Regent Retail Park

Hundreds of people have objected to plans to demolish Salford’s Regent Retail Park.

A plan to flatten the area to build new flats and commercial space was submitted to Salford City Council by Henley Investment Management in July, which bosses behind the plans say would create a £1 billion development in the city.

Salford’s Regent Retail Park

If approved, it could see more than 3,000 new apartments built on the land with a skyscraper more than 70 stories high – the UK’s tallest tower outside London.

But local visitors say losing the retail park would be “a big loss” for Salford, and more than 260 people have written to the council opposing the plans.

Losing job opportunities?

Traders and shoppers at Regent Retail Park told I Love MCR they are worried about losing shops and job opportunities.

Tom Prower, 28, works at a charity based at the retail park, and said it is an important part of the community.

“Some of our regulars come in just to speak to others, we know many of them by their first names now,” he said.

“The majority of our volunteers are local to the area, some have volunteered here since we set up in 2018. We get people coming for unpaid work experience, they won’t be able to get that if it’s gone.

“One of the big things is the pharmacy, a lot of people rely on that. It would be a big loss.

“The other issue is traffic, the congestion is already really bad around here, it would only make things worse.”

Tina Bateson, 59, from Eccles, added: “If it goes, it’s just not fair for the people who work and live near here.

“People who live nearby will be lost, people’s jobs are going to go too.

“This is better for the area than flats, they can build new flats anywhere.”

Stefan Tatu

Stefan Tatu, 23, a computer science graduate from Romania who lives near the retail park, said: “It’s very convenient to come here, I live very close.

“We do need more housing but they are building homes everywhere, so I don’t know if it makes a difference.”

Henley Investment Management said they will replace “almost all” of the existing space for businesses within their scheme if it is approved, and that the plans include a new park and community facilities.

A spokesperson added: “It will continue as a local centre and through the delivery of 86,000 sq. ft of commercial and community space, replacing almost all the existing viable floorspace, Henley is confident there is room for retailers to return to the site if they wish.

“We have been in conversation with our tenants since the outset, and they continue to be key stakeholders in our ambitions for the future.

“Central to the scheme is a community forum, a designated space that can be used for events, clubs, volunteering and culture by future residents and members of the public.

“The current plans include a central concierge space and parcel hub, a mobility hub, as well as a ‘village hall’ space that can be used flexibly.”

Salford MP Rebecca Long-Bailey

Despite the purported benefits of the plan, Salford MP Rebecca Long-Bailey has called on the council to refuse the application.

She said the proposal “won’t help tackle the urgent need for social and affordable housing” in the city, with more than 5,000 people currently on the housing register.

Salford Lib Dems have also criticised the scheme, calling for the “provision of affordable homes, increased green space, and a major rethink on the additional parking and traffic complications.”

The application for the plans remains under consideration by Salford’s city planners, who have set a target date of November 4 to decide whether the scheme will go ahead.


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