Review: Footloose is bursting with rebellion and the ache of teen love

Kick off your Sunday shoes and get ready to dance, dance, and dance some more

Welcome to Bomont, a close-knit Oklahoma town where dancing is banned.

You can imagine city boy Ren’s (played by Joshua Hawkins) dismay when he and his mother, Ethel (played by Geri Allen) first arrive in town, and he finds out that life in Bomont is worse than he feared; being a teenager in the 80s and being forbidden to dance – it’s a real-life nightmare.

Reverend Moore (played by Darren Day) has banned dancing, following a family tragedy that he just cannot get past, which ultimately affects the rest of the town.

Photo: Mark Senior

Of course, this rule doesn’t stand for long once the young people of the town begin to rebel and set on their mission to restore happiness back into the town, and into everyone’s lives. 

Alongside this, Ren meets Reverend Moore’s daughter, Ariel (played by Lucy Munden), and the show smoothly brings us along as he falls in love.

What’s an 80s movie without a teen romance, anyway?

Photo: Mark Senior

Throughout the production, I found it almost impossible not to sing along, especially when Let’s Hear It for The Boy made an appearance.

The whole cast invite you onto stage (not literally, don’t worry!) as they sing and dance their way through the storyline.

The playing of musical instruments such as saxophones on stage was impressive, too, combined with the singing and dancing.  

Photo: Mark Senior

Willard (played by Jack Quickenden) undoubtedly stole the show at parts, with his astounding dance moves.

The same praise can be given to Rusty (played by Oonagh Cox), who definitely harmonised her way into the audience’s hearts.

From the nostalgic clothes, to the experimental hair, Footloose is a must-see, white-knuckle journey back to the 80s.

Footloose is at the Opera House until Saturday 5th March. Tickets are available here


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