Everything, as they say, comes to an end, and as life is cruel, that includes Crème eggs. Easter is imminent, Lent is almost over, and for all you poor deluded souls who gave up chocolate for forty days, you only have a week or so to push down as many Cadbury eggs as you can before they are discontinued til next year.
Creme Egg, Carrot Cake, Egg Hunt, Egg Nest or Fluffy Bunny
As usual, Manchester comes to the rescue, this time in the form of cutesy baking company Hey Little Cupcake. For the past month, their Easter selection of bunny eared treats has been hopping off the shelves. But even if you have abstained from such delicacies in the name of Jesus, then know that this Spinningfield’s essential uses a grand forty eight crème eggs in a typical daily batch of cakes.
Now we’ll leave you to do the maths, but if you get down to it on Good Friday then you’ll have replaced all of those poor neglected calories by the time bank holiday ends.
Eat them in brownies, eat them in cakes, and play your own gourmet kind of Easter hunt:
“Our Easter collection is always popular, Sarah tells us, “we sell out most days. We hide treats in the cakes for you to hunt out and find!”
They use a lot of crème eggs. They’re one of our favourite bakers. And they’re offering you the chance to replace what you lost over Easter. Go forth and consume before 27 April.
Hardman Street Spinningfields, 3 Hardman St, Manchester M3 3HF
0161 832 0260