That would be more than enough for some people, but local influencer Matt Peacock is built differently.
Matt will not only be walking up three of Britain’s biggest slopes, but he will also be walking the 456 miles between them, too.
That’s right, no transport, just sheer power of will and a sturdy pair of boots.
Matt Peacock, a father of two from Heaton Moor in Stockport, is taking on a monumental challenge to raise money for two children in desperate need of life-saving surgery.
The Ultimate Three Peaks Challenge

On August 6th, Peacock will begin walking from Ben Nevis in Scotland to Scafell Pike in England, then to Snowdon in Wales.
He will walk every mile in between, covering a gargantuan total of 456 miles on foot.
Raising money for two children, Leilani, a three-year-old girl with a rare heart and lung condition and Dillan, the son of a friend of Peacock’s, who has been battling leukaemia throughout his life.
Leilani needs surgery that can only be performed in Boston, Massachusetts. The surgery will cost £100,000, and Peacock is hoping to raise £25,000 to help cover the cost.
Peacock is also walking to raise awareness of the need for blood donations.
Dillan, the son of a friend of Peacock’s, has been battling leukaemia throughout his life.
Dillan has relied heavily on donated blood and platelets, and Peacock wants to inspire others to donate blood so that other children can receive the treatment they need.
Peacock is a keen hiker, but he has never climbed any of the three peaks before.
He is aware that this is a challenging task, but he is determined to succeed.
He is asking for support from the community, and he hopes that people will join him along the way.
“This is the biggest challenge of my life,” Matt, who is a model who owns a PR agency, said.
“But I know that I can do it if I have the support of my family, friends, and the community.
“Training has been a mix of mountains and roads, so I’ve split my weeks up between both.
“I’ve been climbing the peaks close to where I live and then longer days along the canals and roads etc.
“I started training 3 months ago, the day after I decided I was going to do it and by the time I stop training, I should have covered around 600 miles.”
“It can get kinda lonely at times!, and It’s been especially hard being away from my little girl Lily.”
Peacock’s charity challenge will begin on August 6th. You can follow his progress on his website or his social media pages. You can also donate to his fundraising campaign here.
About Leilani
Leilani is a three-year-old girl with a rare heart and lung condition.
She was born with a malformed artery that supplies blood to her heart.
This condition has caused her to have difficulty breathing and feeding, and to top things off, Leilani has also had several episodes of heart failure.
The only surgery that can help Leilani is available in Boston, Massachusetts.
The surgery will cost £100,000. Leilani’s parents have set up a fundraising campaign to help cover the cost of the surgery.
They currently sit on £73,000, but Matt is hoping that with his fundraising they can get her over the target.
About Dillan
Dillan is a five-year-old boy who has been battling acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) since he was 4 years old.
ALL is a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells. It is the most common type of cancer in children, but it has a 98% success rate if it is caught early and treated properly.
People from around the world pay to come across the hospital where Dillan is being treated, so Dillan and his family are in amazing hands.
Dillan’s parents are positive and hopeful that he will beat cancer.
They believe that he has been given this challenge because he is going to do something amazing with it when he is older.
Matt said that he initially became aware of the two children’s plight through Instagram.
He said: “I came across Leilani’s story on Instagram and having a little girl myself it touched me.
“The other reason for this walk is to raise awareness for blood donations.
“A good friend of mine has a little boy, Dillan.
“He has leukaemia and has regular blood transfusions that save his life.
“I’ve asked anyone who can’t donate money to donate blood if they can! Loads have been doing this and it’s incredible.”
Matt said he was most looking forward to a couple of pints of Guinness once the challenge is finished.
And for advice for anyone looking to take on a huge challenge, he said: “Just go for it!
“You learn things about yourself you never imagined!
“So many people think as you get older you’re not capable as much!
“I turn 41 a couple of days after I complete 3 peaks 1 Peacock and I’m just getting started!”
Hopefully, with a smashed fundraising target and successful treatment, both will be able to follow their dreams as they grow into adults.