Manchester man who shed five stone in 16 months shares the secrets of his rapid weight loss


A Manchester man who shed five stone in 16 months is using his success to help others to achieve their weight loss dreams.

Finance manager Tim Jones, 38, battled with his weight all his life until a close friend bravely broached the subject with him back in January 2017.

“I had been buying bigger and bigger clothes and felt uncomfortable unless I covered up in baggy clothes. So supported by my friend, I walked in to my first Slimming World group. I felt so welcome and lost 4½lb in my first week and over 1½ stone in five weeks. Now I’ve dropped from 20st to 15st and dropped four sizes.”

Previously, Tim regularly ate unhealthy convenience and take-away food as well as snacking on crisps and chocolate. He has replaced this with healthy alternatives including fresh fruit and vegetables, yoghurt, pasta, potatoes, fish and lean meat. And there is always room for a chocolate treat, too.

“I developed a cycle of making high risk, unhealthy food choices, so establishing a healthy relationship with food has been life-changing,” says Tim.

Tim says Slimming World’s Food Optimising plan enables him to enjoy tasty, filling food while never feeling hungry and it has now become, not a diet, but a way of life.

“I can still enjoy a city centre social life, eating and drinking out, and lose weight by making great choices.

“I want to show people that your dreams can come true. I go out shopping now instead of buying online and when my partner of 15 years proposed at Christmas it felt amazing knowing that I wouldn’t be worried about my weight when we get married.”

Tim has now trained as a consultant for Slimming World and members of the city centre group which meets at Methodist Central Hall, Oldham Street are getting ready to welcome him when he takes over the group on 31st May.

For more information or to join Tim’s group either pop along on Thursday 31st May at 6pm or call him on 07803 046320.



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