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Despite a shoe string budget – big ambitions have put Manchester’s Electric Copper Films on the map

UK Ugly Man is a bold and gritty exploration of modern Britain, delving into politics, mental health and identity, now streaming on Amazon Prime from Manchester’s rising indie filmmakers, Electric Copper Films.

Manchester has long been a breeding ground for creative talent, and now, another gem has emerged from the city’s indie scene—Electric Copper Films.

This small yet mighty production company, based in South Manchester, headed by producer Tina Coen and her husband has defied the odds with their debut feature film UK Ugly Man, which recently made its debut on Amazon Prime. And it’s been getting rave reviews.

What makes this achievement even more remarkable is the sheer determination behind it.

Without the financial support of big studios or wealthy backers, Electric Copper Films managed to create a movie that’s not only visually striking but also socially relevant—offering a sharp critique of modern British life.

We sat down with Tina Coen, who shared insights into the making of UK Ugly Man and what this milestone means for the company’s future.

A story of determination

“We were working on a shoestring budget,” Tina explained.

“There were no big companies funding us, and we didn’t have established investors backing the project.

We did everything ourselves, from fundraising to production, post-production, and now distribution.”

It’s the classic indie story, but UK Ugly Man is far from typical.

Set against the backdrop of contemporary Britain, the film explores a range of heavy themes—politics, isolation, mental health, race, addictions, and obsessions—through the lens of its main character, who battles his inner demons while navigating the chaos of society.

“The film is scathing in many ways, just like the title suggests,” said Tina.

“It paints a dark picture of the UK, but there’s hope in it too. The main character’s confusion and search for meaning in a seemingly ordinary life serve as a metaphor for society’s insatiable desire to both destroy and recover.”

It’s an ambitious film, tackling tough subjects that resonate deeply in the post-pandemic world.

But at its core, it’s also a human story, one that offers both critique and compassion.

What happens in UK Ugly Man?

The synopsis for the film reads: “UK UGLY MAN is a film about a man who is bored with life and in that boredom the devil makes play.

“He is in over his head and the choices he makes edge him closer to national notoriety and infamy. His circle of friends are a ragged collection of misfits, psychedelic astronauts, gangsters and an incompetent psychologist.

“The one true person he has, Nina, someone he imagined sharing his life with has come to fear him. Ruben is his name and he searches for meaning in hallucinogens and pornography, extreme politics and criminality. He looks just like the rest of us, you couldn’t spot him in a crowd, in fact a crowd is the last place he would be.”

Challenges of indie filmmaking

Sarah Hanafi - Nina
Sarah Hanafi – who plays Nina

For Tina and the team at Electric Copper Films, the journey to completing UK Ugly Man was filled with challenges.

As an independent film company, they had to rely on creativity and resourcefulness at every stage.

“There’s this misconception that you need a huge budget to make something worth watching,” Tina said.

“We wanted to prove that’s not the case.”

Despite budget constraints, the team managed to pull off impressive production values and compelling storytelling. “It was difficult,” Tina admitted, “but it was worth every second.

We had an incredibly talented cast and crew who poured their hearts into the project. The dedication was incredible, and I think that passion comes through in the film.”

Electric Copper Films also had to contend with the realities of distribution—an uphill battle for many indie filmmakers.

“Getting the film picked up by Amazon Prime was a massive deal for us,” Tina revealed.

“It opens up so many doors, not just for the company but for everyone involved. It’s an amazing platform for indie films, giving us exposure to a global audience.”

A Manchester-based dream team

Based in Manchester, Electric Copper Films is proud of its Northern roots.

“Manchester is an incredible city for creatives,” said Tina.

“There’s a real community here, and we’ve been lucky to work with some fantastic local talent.

“It’s a city that inspires you to push boundaries, and that’s what we aimed to do with this film.”

The company’s success with UK Ugly Man is not just a win for the filmmakers but also for the city’s thriving independent arts scene.

Manchester has a long history of producing bold, innovative art, and we’re proud to be part of that tradition,” Tina said.

Looking ahead

With UK Ugly Man now streaming on Amazon Prime, the future looks bright for Electric Copper Films.

Tina hints that there are more projects in the pipeline, and the company is keen to build on the momentum. “We want to continue telling stories that matter, stories that challenge people and make them think,” she explains.

But more than anything, Tina hopes the success of UK Ugly Man will shine a light on the incredible talent that exists within the indie film world.

“There’s so much talent in the UK, especially in Manchester. We want to see more of these voices heard and more opportunities for independent filmmakers.”

IF you get a chance to see UK Ugly Man, give it a review to help out a small production company making their way in the world!

For Electric Copper Films, UK Ugly Man is just the beginning.

This Manchester-based film company has shown that with passion, creativity, and grit, even the most ambitious stories can find their way to a global platform—proof that indie cinema still has the power to shake things up.

You can see the film on Amazon by clicking here


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