There was a protest at the site back in 2019 as residents were furious about suggestions the site could be turned into another car park.
You can read all about that here.
The community rallied, even putting forward a petition that got 12,000 signatures, suggesting a green instead of a parking spot.
And it looks like they have their wish.
The former Central Retail park will feature a public park in a new revamp put forward by the council.
The site, located at Great Ancoats Street was closed in 2019, with the council snapping it up for an eye watering £37m.
There has been much too-ing and fro-ing from the Council about what should be done at the site, and since it’s closure skateboarders took up residence at the site turning it into a makeshift skatepark.
Speaking to I Love Mcr, Cllr Bev Craig, Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “The former Central Retail Park is a key site and one of the final pieces of the puzzle in the long-term regeneration story of New Islington, which has the potential to create thousands of new jobs in the city.
“For decades the site has created a physical barrier between Great Ancoats Street and the growing community around New Islington Marina.
“Developing this site will create a new public link through to the existing Cotton Field Park behind and create a green space at the heart of the low-carbon commercial district.
“We have a real opportunity to create a flagship, highly sustainable development of renown – and we would encourage people to take part in the consultation.
“An eight-week consultation will begin in early January and we invite feedback around the proposals for site.”

The report put together by the council has suggested ‘The Garden’ could be the largest green space on site, providing an ‘attractive’ place for walkers and residents to enjoy.
The overall vision of the refreshed Former Central Retail SRF is:
-Create a high-quality, sustainable office district to bring the currently vacant former retail park back into use
-Create a range of new employment opportunities, including through the construction phase of the development project. Thousands of jobs are expected to be located at the site, many of which will be new employment opportunities to the city.
-A new high-quality, green public space will be at the heart of the former retail site, creating a link between Great Ancoats Street to Cottonfield Park and the growing New Islington community behind.
-New connections and routes will be created through the site from adjacent neighbourhoods.
You can read the councils full consultation by clicking here.
The report will be discussed by the council next Wednesday.