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Manchester Arena Bombing hero receives Chief Fire Officer’s Commendation for charity work

Aaron Lee, a Manchester firefighter, has raised nearly £200,000 for victims of the Manchester Arena bombing through his Manchester Remembers Foundation.
Aaron Lee

Firefighter Aaron Lee, a humble hero from Manchester, has once again been recognised for his extraordinary contributions to his community.

Receiving the Chief Fire Officer’s Commendation is no small feat, but for Aaron, it represents more than just an award.

It showcases the support and recognition he has earned from his colleagues, his community, and the families whose lives he has touched in ways unimaginable.

Firefighter Aaron Lee

“I was shocked when I found out I was being awarded the Chief Fire Officer’s Commendation,” Aaron shared.

“I had no idea my colleagues had nominated me, and I felt so proud knowing they thought I was worthy of it.

“For me, that recognition, even just being nominated, means the world, whether or not I was actually given the award.”

It’s this humility that makes Aaron’s story so remarkable.

But his journey isn’t just about awards; it’s about a relentless dedication to helping others, particularly those affected by the tragic Manchester Arena bombing in 2017.

That fateful night has left a huge mark on Manchester and on Aaron himself, shaping his path in ways he could never have anticipated.

“I think my whole journey in relation to the Manchester Arena bombing has been a rollercoaster,” Aaron reflected.

“I can still remember how I felt that night and in the days and weeks afterwards”

“I can still remember how I felt that night and in the days and weeks afterwards, working with the bereaved families.

“They inspire me daily. In 2017, I made a promise that I would always support them, and I’m not one to break a promise.”

Manchester Remembers

That promise has driven Aaron to do extraordinary things. Through his foundation, Manchester Remembers, he has raised an astounding £200,000 for the victims and families affected by the attack.

His tireless efforts have brought comfort and relief to many, but Aaron is the first to acknowledge that it hasn’t been easy.

“It’s not been all smooth sailing,” Aaron admitted.

“There have been ups and downs, and there have definitely been moments when I’ve wanted to give it all up. Fundraising is hard—ask anyone who’s done it—but the reason behind it all is enough to keep me going.

“The people I’m helping are always at the forefront of my mind, and that keeps me motivated.”

Raising £14,000 for Liv’s Trust

One of the most memorable moments of Aaron’s fundraising journey was presenting a cheque for £14,000 to the founders of Liv’s Trust, a small charity close to his heart.

“That moment meant so much to them,” Aaron said.

“It confirmed that we were doing something good, something meaningful. That’s all I’ve ever wanted—to show all those involved that Manchester will always support them.”

You can find out more about Liv’s Trust by clicking here

For Aaron, these moments of connection are what matter most. Beyond the money raised and the events organised, it’s the personal connections he’s made that have had the deepest impact on him.

From arranging special visits for individuals like Laura Nuttall, who was battling a brain tumour, to spending time with young people like Theo, who has been facing significant challenges, Aaron’s commitment to making a difference shines through.

“As firefighters, it’s easy to forget just how cool our job is and how we’re viewed in the community,” Aaron says with a laugh.

“But if we can give a little back to someone going through an extremely difficult time, then I’m all for that. Those personal connections mean everything to me. It’s about more than just helping—it’s about showing people that they’re not alone.”

Aaron’s impact has not gone unnoticed on a national level, either.

Aaron Lee winning the British Citizen Award

Earlier this year, he was honoured with the prestigious British Citizen Award at a ceremony in Westminster—a day he describes as one of the proudest of his life.

“Being honoured with the British Citizen Award was truly special,” Aaron recalled.

“I don’t think I’ve even fully processed it yet, but having my family with me inside Westminster was a day I’ll never forget. I’ve never been on this journey for the awards or recognition—I’m just happy knowing that what I’m doing makes a difference.

“But I acknowledge that others think it’s worthy, and I’m truly grateful.”

Despite the accolades, Aaron remains grounded, dedicating every award and honour to the victims and families of the Manchester Arena attack.

“You are the real inspiration,” he says simply, and it’s clear that his heart is with those whose lives were forever changed on that tragic night.

Balancing his work as a firefighter with his extensive community and charitable efforts is no small task, and Aaron admits it can be tricky at times.

“It’s definitely challenging,” he said. “I’ve had to sacrifice certain things along the way, but I actually enjoy the charity work. My employers at the fire service have been incredibly supportive and accommodating, which helps.

“Ultimately, when the day of the annual Manchester Remembers event comes around and I see the stands full, and the families affected by the bombing see the community coming out to show their love and support, it’s all worth it.”

You can find out more about Manchester Remembers by clicking here

The future of Manchester Remembers

Looking ahead, Aaron has big dreams for the future of Manchester Remembers.

“I just want to keep growing the event,” he said.

“I’d love to get bigger music acts on stage and grow the attendance to 10,000 or more.

“Imagine having the Courteeners on stage, or even playing at Old Trafford or the Etihad?

“That would be a dream come true. And if the fundraising ever topped £1 million, I’d be completely overwhelmed. It would show the world that Manchester as a city is right behind those affected.”

Aaron’s hopes and dreams are not just for himself—they’re for a community that has rallied together in the face of tragedy, and for a city that refuses to be defined by darkness.

Through his work, Aaron Lee embodies the spirit of Manchester: resilient, compassionate, and unyielding in his commitment to others.

Aaron Lee’s journey may have started with a promise, but it’s become so much more—a legacy of love, strength, and hope that will continue to inspire for years to come.


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