10 calorie busting ways to spruce up your home

Spring clean the fat away!

Despite the torrential rain and gale force winds, spring is officially here – the time of year when you may be considering a spring clean. It may not be the most exciting thing to do but you can burn over 2,000 calories just from sprucing up your house! Here is the British Military Fitness list of calorie busting chores which can help you to burn off an impressive 2,200 calories, whilst also making your home look great for the summer.

1. Sweeping

Grab that broom and sweep those floors and you can burn up to 136 calories in 30 minutes.

2. Dusting

Dust is a pesky little substance, which seems to get everywhere you can think of. But by cleaning it up, you can work off 85 calories in 30 minutes.

3. Washing floors

If you want to give your floors a really deep clean, this can burn up to 187 calories in 30 minutes.

4. Cleaning windows

Cleaning all the grime from around the windows, as well as making sure the glass is sparkling, can burn 167 calories in 30 minutes.

5. Vacuuming

Vacuuming can be one of the more active chores and if you do the whole house, you can cover quite a lot of ground. You can also suction off up to 238 calories whilst you do so.

6. Washing the car

It’s easy for a car to get filthy without us noticing, but skipping the car wash and giving it a good clean inside and out can help burn around 153 calories.

7. Deep cleaning the bathroom

Bathrooms can easily collect soap scum and mould so a deep clean is necessary every so often. Also, you can burn up to 129 calories in half an hour by doing so!

8. Moving furniture

Fancy switching things around and moving some of your furniture? You can burn 200 calories in half an hour.

9. Mowing the lawn

You don’t have to be Alan Titchmarsh to be proud of your garden and simply by mowing the lawn you can make it look a lot neater, whilst burning 90 calories in 30 minutes.

10. Redecorating

If you fancy sprucing up your walls with a lick of paint, this can work off 167 calories per hour.

These calorie-burning chores won’t transform you overnight, and if you’ve been cooped up inside cleaning all day, we would definitely still recommend getting active in the great outdoors afterwards to take in the fresh spring air!

To find out more about British Military Fitness, please visit: www.britishmilitaryfitness.co.uk or to try a free class, please visit: www.britmilfit.com/try-bmf-for-free.

NB. All calorie counts are based on a person weighing 150lbs.


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