This week’s good news: fans lift lad in wheelchair so he can watch Liam Gallagher sing Wonderwall


The Manchester spirit shone bright once again at the Liam Gallagher concert last Saturday, when fans hoisted a man in a wheelchair into the air for Wonderwall.

Michael Reynolds, 30, went to the gig at the Emirates Old Trafford with his friends and chose to stay with them rather than go and watch the concert by himself in the designated disabled area.

However, this meant he struggled to see the scene.

When Liam launched into Wonderwall, Michael’s friends decided to lift him up so he could get a better view and soon strangers came along to give a hand, too.

A bystander filmed the heart-warming scene was filmed and has been shared by thousands of people on Twitter.

Michael, who works as a scrapyard manager, told the MEN that it was an ‘unbelievable’ moment: “Obviously, there was the disabled area, but there were 15 of us and I am the only one in a wheelchair. But I couldn’t see. I ended up just listening to it.

“My mates had the idea of lifting me up. Suddenly, there were 20 lads all helping. Everyone was loving it.”

He added: “It was really positive. The atmosphere was unbelievable. Everyone was really helping.

“You couldn’t fault the crowd at all. It was just people being positive wanting to help.”

Michael, who lives in Leigh, told the MEN he has been in wheelchair user for five years having broken his back following an accident during a motocross race that left him paralysed – something he doesn’t let ‘get in the way of him living his life’, he said.


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