Mad Manchester bar to throw 24 hour ‘back to the eighties’ NYE party


Things were different in the 1980s. It was another time entirely. A time before political correctness and the internet. Mobile phones the size of bricks. The Sony Walkman. Lambrusco. Mrs Thatcher and Pac-Man. Michael Jackson and Duran Duran. Big hair and big shoulder pads – and that was just the blokes.

They played it fast and they played it loose. Just check out these dance moves.

The 80’s were a time we often look back on with sweet sweet nostalgia. We just can’t seem to get enough of the sparkly, Super Mario-playing, Diet-Coke swilling, cocaine-tooting, Blankety Blank-watching era.

The lasting legacy for those unlucky enough to not have lived through it seems to be primarily the music. For those who survived it, it’s the fashion, the drinks, the vibe, the everything.

You’ll be happy to know that you can relive the best of the era in a party dedicated to it.

Dig out the hairspray and head down to The Liquor Store for an eighties-style celebration featuring classic 80s tunes, beer pong and free pizza.

If all that doesn’t grab you, maybe the 80’s-inspired cocktails, Nintendo and Space Hopper sessions will. Take a gamble on a Material Girl or maybe the Papa Don’t Preach cocktail as you bust all manner of questionable dance move. But who’s judging? This is the 80’s after all.

This mad Manchester bar is putting on one of the plushest parties this side of the millennium. You’ll need to dress to the nines as there’s free drinks on offer to the best 80’s outfit. Headbands and leg warmers at the ready.

“We’re a party bar first and foremost,” says owner Doug Waldron. “Manchester’s always been a city that believes a table is for dancing on and we’re here for a good time, not a long time.”

It was acceptable in the 80’s. So what are you waiting for?

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Tickets cost £16.75 including booking fee via Skiddle


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