Heatwave Lasting THREE MONTHS to Hit Manchester

Forecasters are predicting a warm spring/summer...

Forecasters are predicting a warm spring and say temperatures will rise above average from the second half of April to the end of June.

“…temperatures hotter than Ibiza…”

Manchester is to bask in sizzling sunshine as Met Office forecasters predicted a three-month heatwave to hit the UK.

After weeks of the usual Manchester rain, a bright start to spring saw temperatures hotter than Ibiza, which has paved the way for an early summer.

The Met Office three month forecast predicts the mercury will keep rising with warmer weather continuing until the end of June at least.

Last month was the 15th sunniest March on record and the sun should stay for the second half of April and May.

Average UK temperatures for April are around 11C and 16C in June, but last month thermometers were already showing 20C, promising a hot summer.

Some forecasters are suggesting the summer months will see temperatures ranging in the mid to high 20s.

Following the wettest ever winter, the warmer weather will be a welcome change – particularly for the flood-hit communities in the south of England.

Credit: Mirror


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