A packed line-up of events and activities by and for the people of Prestwich
The community festival, run entirely by local volunteers, returns for the sixth time with a celebration of both renowned local legends and upcoming talent.
‘Looking for Me Friend’: the Music of Victoria Wood features the star of BBC1’s ‘All Together Now’, Paulus The Cabaret Geek with Michael Roulston (Fascinating Aïda) on piano, it’s an evening of pure joy filled with Victoria’s best-loved songs with the seal of approval from her own colleagues, school-chums and fans.
And there’s two events for fans of Mark E Smith’s The Fall in his home town. Returning by popular demand for a third time, Rob Carroll takes fans old and new on a tour of the band’s haunts around the town he called home in The Fall: A Tour of Prestwich. And later that evening Steven G Titley brings his one man show, Church of the Fall, to Next Door at Maccas. You don’t have to love The Fall to enjoy this show, you just need to love music.
The packed programme also includes:
- Our opening event is Live Music Night at the Carlton Club featuring Vee VV, Novocane, Celebratory Cake, Transcendental Equation and poet Jonny WIlson.
- There’s lot of chances to learn something new in our range of workshops and classes including Watercolour painting at Prestwich Library, Photography workshop at Cuckoo and Nature writing workshop at The Pearl restaurant.
- Budding singers or those that have always wanted to give it a try can Come and Sing with Prestwich Community Choir at Icons or learn to sing Hallejuah at St Marys Prestwich with The Diocese of Manchester Choral Scholars.
- Hear all about how craft beer revolutionised beer can and pump clip design in a discussion with artists and brewers Everyday Art – the craft beer revolution at Keg Cask & Bottle.
And as always there’s free family fun with a drop in Family Art Workshop with artist Poppy at the Phoenix Centre and a creative morning with the Zine Team and badgemaking at Prestwich Library.
Find out more about Prestwich Arts Festival