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Can you help save a little angel from the clutches of a rare form of Cancer?

In April 2023, the world of a beautiful 15-month-old named Harper took a heart-wrenching turn.

What was once a life filled with nursery adventures, playing with friends, and an infectious smile that could light up any room, now revolves around an unthinkable battle against high-risk neuroblastoma, an aggressive childhood cancer that threatens her young life.

A Bruise That Raised Concern

Just a few months before Harper’s diagnosis, her parents noticed a small bruise forming under her eye.

Initially, they attributed it to their daughter’s newfound mobility and the occasional playful bump with toys.

However, as time passed, their concern grew. Harper’s eye started to change shape, prompting them to seek medical advice.

The journey began with a visit to their local GP, who suggested a follow-up appointment in two weeks.

When that visit yielded no answers, the worried parents decided to take Harper to A&E, where their worst fears started to take shape.

The medical team referred Harper to the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, where an ophthalmologist recognised the severity of her condition, insisting on further investigation.

A Devastating Diagnosis

In the days that followed, Harper underwent a battery of tests, including MRI, CT, and ultrasound scans.

A biopsy of the tumour causing the bruising under her eye was also performed.

The results were shattering.

At just 15 months old, Harper was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, an exceedingly rare form of cancer affecting roughly 100 children annually in the UK.

The news left Harper’s family in shock, as the specialist noted that her presentation was atypical for a neuroblastoma patient.

More procedures ensued, including bone and bone marrow biopsies and the installation of a central line for administering chemotherapy and other treatments.

The Fight Begins

Harper’s battle against stage 4, high-risk neuroblastoma had commenced.

She immediately started intensive treatment, beginning with 80 days of Rapid COJEC (induction) chemotherapy.

However, the road ahead was far from easy.

Harper required several blood and platelet transfusions, endured numerous hospital stays, and faced multiple courses of antibiotics to fend off potential infections.

The Harsh Reality of Neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a relentless adversary, with a prognosis that brings profound challenges.

Harper’s journey includes a less than 50% chance of surviving five years, and approximately a 60% risk of relapse. Even more daunting, her odds of conquering a relapse are less than 10%.

Hope on the Horizon

Despite these grim statistics, Harper’s family is determined to give her the best chance at a future filled with smiles, laughter, and all the joys she once cherished. They are now in the midst of a fundraising campaign aimed at raising £300,000 to cover the cost of groundbreaking treatment in the United States.

This revolutionary treatment offers a glimmer of hope for Harper, potentially improving her long-term survival and enhancing her quality of life. Any funds that remain after Harper’s treatment will be dedicated to supporting other brave individuals battling neuroblastoma.

Joining Harper’s Army: How You Can Help

Harper’s story has touched hearts around the world, and there are numerous ways to support her and her family in this challenging journey:

  • Make a Personal Donation: Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in Harper’s fight for life.
  • Share and Follow Her Story: Spread the word on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Raising awareness is vital in rallying support for Harper’s cause.
  • Hold a Fundraising Event: Organise a community event, such as a charity run, bake sale, or auction, to contribute to Harper’s treatment fund.
  • Get Sponsored for a Challenge: Take on a personal challenge, like a marathon or cycling event, and seek sponsorship from friends and family to support Harper’s cause.

By becoming part of Harper’s Army, you are joining a compassionate community united in the fight against neuroblastoma.

Your support can bring hope and healing to a little girl who deserves every chance at a bright future.

The family have now set up a family fund day to raise vital funds for Harper’s treatments.

It will take place on 10 September at Salford City Roosters Rugby League Club.

If you’d like to go, you can find out more by clicking here.

On the day – there will be plenty to enjoy, including:

  • Petting zoo
  • Maker’s Market
  • Fairground games
  • Bouncy castles
  • Dog show
  • Food & drink
  • Raffle, tombola & more
  • Soccer stars football academy
  • Live music & DJ sets
  • Live performances

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Harper’s family, along with countless well-wishers, are determined to give her the fighting chance she deserves.

The journey ahead is fraught with challenges, but with the support of a caring and generous community, there’s hope for a brighter tomorrow.

If you wish to contribute to Harper’s campaign or offer support in any way, please visit the official donation page.

You can do that by clicking here.

For further inquiries and assistance, you can reach out to Harper’s Army via email at [email protected].

Harper’s story reminds us all that in the face of adversity, the strength of community and the power of compassion can be a beacon of hope, lighting the way toward a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.


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