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Review: Jesus Christ Superstar at the Lowry is ‘an unforgettable, high energy performance’

Jesus Christ Superstar at The Lowry delivers a high-energy, electrifying retelling of the last days of Jesus, featuring powerful performances, innovative staging, and unforgettable music
Jesus Christ Superstar The Lowry

Jesus Christ Superstar is an electrifying musical that delivers an unforgettable, high-energy experience in its unique retelling of the last days of Jesus Christ, as seen through the eyes of Judas Iscariot.

From the moment the curtain rises, the show captivates the audience with its dynamic performances and powerful music.

Jesus Christ Superstar at The Lowry

Jesus Christ Superstar 1

This rock opera, created by the legendary duo Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, is entirely sung through, immersing the audience in a continuous flow of musical storytelling.

The music ranges from heart-pounding rock anthems to poignant ballads, each song driving the narrative forward with emotional intensity.

Stage design

The stage design is both striking and symbolic, featuring a prominent cross as the backdrop and a cross-shaped stage.

The setting feels like a grand rock concert, complete with live musicians on stage, enhancing the raw and rustic atmosphere.

The integration of microphones and speaker wires into the set design, giving it a recording studio vibe, is a creative touch by designer Tom Scutt that adds to the show’s unique aesthetic.

Ian McIntosh as Jesus

One standout performance is by Ian McIntosh, who portrays Jesus with incredible depth and emotion.

His rendition of “Gethsemane” is a showstopper, showcasing his powerful voice and ability to convey profound sadness and desperation.

The audience is left mesmerised by his vocal prowess and commanding stage presence.

“It feels like a rock concert”

The imaginative use of props further enhances the concert-like feel of the production.

For instance, the cross on which Jesus is crucified is ingeniously constructed from a speaker stand, highlighting the show’s innovative approach.

Even the smallest details, like the microphones embedded in Jesus’ binds during his presentation to Herod, contribute to the authenticity and creativity of the staging.

Crafted choreography by Christopher Tendai

Choreography, crafted by Christopher Tendai, plays a crucial role in bringing the story to life.

The dancers’ movements are sharp, expressive, and perfectly synchronised with the music, making each performance visually stunning.

The contemporary dance style, complemented by airy and flowy costumes, adds to the fluidity and grace of the performance.

As a fan of both music and dance, I found “Jesus Christ Superstar” to be a thrilling experience.

The rock elements, especially the electric guitar solos, energise the audience, creating an atmosphere of excitement and engagement.

It’s without a doubt, a must see.

Tickets to see Jesus Christ Superstar at The Lowry

Jesus Christ Superstar is at The Lowry until the 25th of May.

Don’t miss the chance to witness this powerful and innovative musical that combines exceptional talent, stunning visuals, and a timeless story told through the universal language of music.

You can get tickets by clicking here

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