We Love MCR Charity funding helps transform unused areas into community green spaces

'Our aim is to improve lives and communities in Manchester. It’s our privilege to help to turn disused spaces into places for neighbours to use together'

Groundwork Greater Manchester launched their Eco-Streets competition in March 2021, providing opportunities to two Greater Manchester communities to each win £6,000 of funding and support to transform an un-used, un-loved area into a vibrant, green community space.   

Now, thanks to funding from the We Love MCR Charity, the Eco-Streets competition is now able to support a further two communities from within the borough of the City of Manchester.

This generous donation will bring more community ideas to life and will equip communities with the skills to design, install and maintain natural features to create community spaces which benefit people whilst also tackling climate change.


Eco-Street applications are now open to community groups or groups of residents, consisting of at least three people from different households.

Transformable spaces could include alleyways or ‘ginnels’, small streets, courtyards, disused allotments or abandoned park areas.

Groundwork Greater Manchester works to create a greener, more resilient city region with stronger, healthier communities, responsible businesses and enhanced prospects for all local people.

We Love MCR Charity launched their Stronger Communities Fund in February 2021, pledging £225,000 this year to ambitious community groups in Manchester in need of financial support to help them to improve their communities.

We Love MCR Charity created Manchester’s COVID-19 Community Response Fund on 24th March 2020 just as lockdown started, to enable local charities to request and receive funding for urgent work to combat problems caused or exacerbated by the pandemic.

It has since awarded nearly £1,000,000 to 310 Manchester voluntary groups and charities, supporting over 50,000 Mancunians.

“Our aim is to improve lives and communities in Manchester,” said Lord Mayor of Manchester (and Chair of We Love MCR Charity) Councillor Tommy Judge.

“It’s our privilege to help to turn disused spaces into places for neighbours to use together.”

The deadline for applications is Wednesday 21st April at 5pm and winners will be announced towards the end of May 2021. For details on how to apply and more information about the competition, visit groundwork.org.uk.


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