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Actors discuss their popular youtube sitcom exploring the ‘mad, Manc and mundane’

Writers Becky Kershaw and Steve Connolly have created a hilarious sit-com going great guns on Youtube, that has developed a loyal following.
Becky Kershaw and Steve Connolly

Remember the film Field of Dreams iconic line: “If you build it, he will come.”

Well, actors and writers Becky Kershaw and Steve Connolly have created a Manchester based sit com, put it out there on youtube and now they have a loyal following.

 If you have never seen the show Exciting Times before, there is still plenty of time to catch up, and it is only two minutes per episode.

We caught up with them both to find out more.

How did this comedy series come about?

Becky: Steve came up with the idea then put a casting call out for an actress to play his wife. I have worked with Steve before so knew what I was letting myself in for! (Only kidding!) 

We had a zoom call to discuss the project and the possibility of collaborating with him and after that I was offered the role.

It was one of the Fastest and weirdest marriage proposals I’ve ever had! 

On a serious note, we make a good team and no idea is too daft. 

Steve: I tend to get my ideas whilst out cycling so there’s nothing going on around me and I can think clearly.

However, most of them don’t come to fruition as they are unworkable for whatever reason or too expensive to film.

Exciting Times is definitely neither. Two people, sitting on a sofa and doing, well, not a lot is most people from time to time and it doesn’t require much to film.

Just someone able and, more importantly, willing to play my wife, somewhere to film and a phone. I already had the third, found the first and then got the second.

It wouldn’t have worked without someone on the same wavelength though as it was always intended to be a collaborative enterprise and I got that in spades with Becky. From small acorns.

The Royle Family set in Manchester is much missed and a beloved show. Is that something that inspires you?

Becky: What a comedy classic!

It’s definitely an inspiration. 

The similarities being that a lot of Exciting Times revolves around a sofa and is about a Manchester family.

However the characters and the dynamics are different plus all  is not as it seems in Exciting Times! 

Steve: I’m probably one of the many millions who claim to have seen The Royle Family when it first ran on BBC2.

But I was one of those many millions.

The genius of The  Royle Family, and Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash’s writing, is that nothing happens and yet everything happens and there is comedy and pathos in the mundane.

I’d never attempt to try and copy that but I would be lying if the sofa part and extended family of ‘Exciting Times’ aren’t inspired in part by that programme.

However, Barbara and Tom aren’t the Royle’s and, in fact, are named after the quintessential sitcom couple, Tom and Barbara Good.

And they had a sofa. As did Terry and June.

And Sid James’s family in ‘Bless This House’. If there is a comparison, both The Royle Family and Exciting Times have most of their action on the sofa. And the TV is on sometimes.

The show is currently on YouTube. How often are episodes released? And can viewers binge them if they wish?

Becky: Episodes are released on YouTube and other socials every Thursday on a weekly basis.

Viewers can binge/catch up on episodes on the Lost in Salford productions YouTube channel.

We try to keep them current and in line with what’s happening in the world such as GCSE exam results or election.

Steve: Episodes are released weekly on a Thursday at 1pm.

They also go on Facebook, X, Instagram and TikTok at the same time.

Because some episodes land on a specific day (Halloween, Christmas Day etc.) we release them weekly.

This also gives us a chance to comment on what is going on in the world, like the US Election and what is on TV on Christmas Day.

Do you stick to a script or is there room for improvisation?

Becky: We do have scripts but they aren’t set in stone and we do improvise a lot too which keeps things fresh and natural.

If other actors are involved in scenes we definitely write scripts. However they aren’t too onerous as each episode is only two minutes long.

Steve: When it’s just Barbara and Tom together we tend to improvise.

Becky and I know what subject we’ll be doing and play around with it until we’re happy.

When we have other actors in we write a script as all the supporting characters have an arc that we are loosely plotting as we go along. Emphasis on the ‘loose’.

Why do you think Manchester is such a supportive place to be a creative, regardless of how much work is coming in?

Becky: I think Manchester has a great network of creatives.

There are lots of opportunities to share ideas, collaborate and try out new projects and we are grafters!

If the works not there, go and bloody make it! I am grateful to have met so many wonderful, welcoming and talented people on my creative journey. 

Steve: Manchester is my home city. I’ve lived in other places but we absolutely do do things differently here, as Tony Wilson never said.

Most people in the industry are aware of each other.

I can stand at the bar in 53Two for example and someone who I’ve never met will come up to me and say they’ve seen this and that or they enjoyed the other.

I went to an Uta Hagen class this last weekend and someone told me they were enjoying the series, which blew my mind. I’ve never experienced that anywhere else. 

When I was starting out on my last web series and had no idea what to do, people came forward with advice or contacts for cinematographers and sound which was amazing. A people make it’s city, and there’s no city like this one.

If someone has not yet seen an episode of this comedy before, how would you persuade them?

Becky: It’s a lighthearted and short comedy that explores the mad, mundane and slightly unconventional marriage of a middle aged couple from Manchester.

Steve: Barbara and Tom are, for the most part, you and me. They’re recognisable. But they have a few dark secrets lurking in the background that they would rather didn’t come out. How can they afford to buy their kids such nice watches? Just who is Big Frank? Why does Tom’s mum never appear on screen? It’s funny in places but with some dramatic twists. And a really nice couch. 

Exciting Times is available to watch on youtube and most social media platforms. There is a brief introduction to the show here

And you watch all the episodes that have gone out so far here at the Lost in Salford youtube channel by clicking here


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